Through the Sustainable Agriculture and Infrastructure Development Programme small-scale farmers are assisted to produce their own food using sustainable agriculture methods. The use of locally available resources and environmentally friendly techniques is promoted. The sharing of best practice and local knowledge amongst farmers is also facilitated. The programme promotes the following activities: Permaculture techniques: The use of organic matter, natural pest control and minimum tillage. Multiple cropping: Crop diversification to avoid nutrient depletion. Indigenous chicken production: Commercialization at homestead level. Maize storage facilities: Improved maize cribs and sheltered tanks to minimize post harvest losses. Indigenous seeds: The use of locally available open polluted maize varieties and legumes Sweet potato and cassava production: Suitable in areas with low rain fall. Orchard establishment: The production of a variety of fruit trees. Water harvesting techniques: Harvesting and distribution at homestead and community level. Ventilated Improved Pit (VIP) latrines: Training in the construction and maintenance of VIPs to contribute to improved sanitation.
The Training Centre and Demonstration Unit (TDCU) Programme is one of ACAT – Lilima Eswatini’s Support programs. The TCDU is located at Mbuluzi farm, a former Leprosy settlement. Though located in the same premises, the TDCU is divided into two sub-sections – being the training and the demonstration unit. The training centre provides and co-ordinates innovative training to communities throughout the country on a wide range of issues, such as: Business administration (basic bookkeeping and record keeping),Leadership skills, Communication in development,Poverty alleviation,Gender and reproductive health and HIV and AIDS awareness. The Demonstration Unit, on the other hand, serves to provide practical training, through relevant demonstrations on a number of agricultural techniques. These include poultry, dairy farming, field crops, vegetable production and apiculture. The Unit also creates research opportunities in Sustainable Agriculture techniques on seed multiplication, multiple cropping, permaculture, indigenous poultry production and aqua culture Training is delivered both at the Training Centre and within communities. Staff In-service training and development is also provided through the Centre.
The purpose of this programme is to enable communities to finance their own development. This is achieved by facilitating the establishment and development of savings and credit clubs, and supporting individuals and clubs to start up and run income generating activities. Deposits made by club members provide much needed funds for clubs to invest in income generating activities. The savings accrued enable clubs to provide members with loans to start up and develop their own businesses. Training in business administration and record keeping is provided to both individuals and clubs. The formation of youth groups is also encouraged. Information sharing is facilitated through exchange visits between clubs and communities. A wide range of small business enterprises have been established and developed through this programme. These include:Broilers, layers and indigenous poultry production, Backyard and community garden vegetable production, Consumer shops, Farm input retail outlets, Sewing, Hairdressing,Welding,Baking and Handicraft.
The Self Help Group Approach was started and adopted by ACAT in 2005.It is implemented in seriously poverty stricken communities mostly in the Shiselweni and Lubombo regions respectively.First preference is given to women and youth since they are the most vulnerable groups.At the moment there are about 298 savings groups under this approach Focus and emphasisis on unleashing the God given potential that is within the poorest of the poor in the rural areas. The people are encouraged to group themselves according to their economic status, a group has to be homogenous and each member be ready to work hand in hand with other SHG members to achieve their intended goals jointly. They are encouraged to meet on weekly basis and activities done there are savings, deposits for other needs, issue and repay loans for household income generating activities, share development ideas get trained on different relevant aspects of life, monitor their work progress,proper crop production, small animal management, backyard gardens establishment, proper storage of harvest, and starting IGAs, water harvestingare encouraged.
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